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18 Juni 2009

Portabel Email Client

Mozilla Thunderbird, Portable Edition is the popular Mozilla Thunderbird® email client packaged with a Launcher as a portable app, so carry your whole email client and all your contacts with you on an iPod, USB flash drive, portable hard drive, CD or any other portable media. It has all the same great features as Mozilla Thunderbird including spell-checking, junk email filtering, anti-phishing and more. Plus, it leaves no personal information behind on the machine you run it on, so you can take your email wherever you go. Learn more about Mozilla Thunderbird...

Pagi Buka Email di Kantor, malam di Laptop ??
ato kalo lagi diluar buka di warnet dll...
Wah arsip email kita... amburadul dech... ada dimana-mana...!!

akhirnya aku dapet solusinya... yaitu dengan Aplikasi Client Email portabel... pake USB Flash Disk...
Tinggal colok... Get/ Send Email... sruuppppuutt... masuk dan terkirim semau email yang ada... nggak perlu buka macem-acem web.... sehingga bisa mbaca dan mbuat email dalam keadaan offline....
terutama untuk email POP3 (Gmail etc) dan ndukung juga yang IMAP....

Mau Nyoba.... (Patut dicoba)...!!!

Download here....

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